Option 1:
Field trip to Searles Lake and the San Andreas Fault If you went on the Searles Lake field trip, I'd like you to turn in your notes and the answers to the questions listed in the handout by next Monday, October 17. You can just give them to me in class, or find me in my office. I prefer for you to turn in typewritten rather than handwritten responses, and I expect it will take 2-3 double-spaced pages to answer the questions. Oct. 8-9, 2005 Organizational meeting: Oct. 5 at 11 AM in 3657 (our discussion section room). Bring $12 in cash to the organizational meeting! Meet by the first-floor loading dock (south) entrance to the Geology building at 8:00 AM on Oct.8 . If you are under 18, you must have your parent/guardian sign a waiver form BEFORE the trip. See the TA/prof to obtain the form. |
List of things to bring on this trip |
Gem-O-Rama: information about the mines, minerals, and field trip events in Trona. |
Option 2:
Field trip to the Natural History Museum October 22, 2005 Meet by the first-floor (east) entrance to the Geology building on Charles Young Dr. , across from parking lot 2 at 12:15 PM. We will return by 5PM. Bring a bag lunch/snack, student ID, and $5.50 in cash for the entrance fee. You also need a pen or pencil and a clipboard or notebook. If you are under 18, you must have your parent/guardian sign a waiver form BEFORE the trip. See the TA/prof to obtain the form. Collapse? exhibit If you can't make it on Oct. 22, then you can go on your own time. Be sure to download the field trip activity form before you go and fill it out while you are at the museum. |
AND Term Paper Write a short term paper on the following topic:
You must e-mail a title and brief description of your paper to the professor by 5PM Nov.9. I encourage you to discuss your ideas with me beforehand. The text must be typed, with a length of 5-7 pages double-spaced 12 point type. Up to 5 pages of figures and tables may also be included. It is strongly suggested that you include at least one figure in your paper. Any included tables and figures must have an explanatory caption and must be referred to in the text. All borrowed material must be properly attributed, whether paraphrased or directly quoted (this includes web sites!). Any style of reference is fine as long as the reader can infer precisely and gain access to the source of the material used. Proper English grammar and spelling is required. The paper is due 5PM Nov. 30 . You can give me a hard copy or turn in electronically by using the TurnItIn button on your MyUCLA page. |
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