ridge view   In the field in the high Alborz Mt.'s. This is a shot down the approach ridge of Hersan (4700m, 3rd highest peak in Iran) that is a glacier to the left. On this day I left base camp early and climbed 1000m to this point while geologising along the ridge in the photo. The geology here is fascinating, complex and, fortunately, well exposed...I'm never bored.
The rocks in this photo are in the hanging wall of a thrust that places paleozoic rocks (Cambrian and Precambrian) over Eocene volcaniclastic sediments. We know that the thrust is at least 7 million years old because we have dated and mapped a pluton (Alum Kuh Granite) that intrudes the thrust. We alsoknow that it is younger than the Eocene because it cuts the Eocene (56-35million years ago) volcaniclastic rocks. If you would like to inquire aboutworking in Iran email me or Gary Axen (gaxen@ess.ucla.edu).