
JMU Courses

GSCI115 Earth Systems, Cycles, and Human Impact
Fall 2006 (2 sections: 120 students and 50 students)
Spring 2007 (2 sections: 135 students and 75 students)
Fall 2007 (2 sections: 100 students each)

GGEOL102 Environment Earth
Fall 2006 (25 students)
Spring 2007 (75 students)

GEOL398 Special Topics: Volcanoes

Fall 2007 (18 students)

Participant in the 2006 James Madison University Information Literacy for Teaching and Learning Workshop

UCLA Courses

ESS103A Igneous Petrology: Spring 2006 , Spring 2005

ESS5 Environmental Geology of Los Angeles: Fall 2005 archived version

See field trip photos from various trips here!

Caltech Courses (Teaching Assistant)

Ge114 Mineralogy: Fall 1999, Fall 2000, Fall 2001
Hand specimen lab 1999, 2000
Optics lab 2001

Ge140a: Introduction to Stable Isotope Geochemistry: Winter 1999 and Winter 2000

Ge214: Spectroscopy of Minerals: Spring 2001 and Spring 2003

Ge1: Earth and Environment: Spring 1999

JMU students modeling anticline and syncline structures using play-doh.