Midterm Review Sheet 2003


The midterm will be instead of a lecture on Feb 11, 2003.






·        Similar triangles—what are they used for, how to use them.

·        What did ancient astronomers do to make measurements of the Earth, Sun and Moon (i.e. use of transits, eclipses, etc.)

·        Theories of Copernicus/Ptolemy.  What were the basic ideas they believed were true?

·        Kepler’s Laws.  What were they?

·        What are some of the types of electromagnetic radiation (IR, UV, visible, etc.).  What are the relative wavelengths of these types?




·        Properties of the Sun.  How big, density, composition?

·        Blackbody radiation.  How does the temperature of the body relate to the type of radiation it gives off?

·        What is the internal structure of the Sun?  The source of the Sun’s energy?  How does it get to the Earth?  What are the different layers of the Sun’s interior and atmosphere?  What are their properties?

·        Does the Sun rotate?  How fast?

·        Sunspot cycle.  What are sunspots?  When do they occur?

·        Atomic structure: protons, neutrons and electrons; fusion and how it powers the Sun.

·        Plasmas – what they are, how they are produced.




·        Properties of the Moon.  How big, density, composition, interior structure.

·        Why does the Moon have phases?  Eclipses?   What is the synodic and sidereal month?

·        Newton’s Law of Gravitation and Newton’s three laws of motion.

·        Centrifugal Force

·        Why do we have tides?  What causes tides?  When are tides largest/smallest?

·        How have tides affected the Moon and Earth’s rotation?

·        What are the surface properties of the Moon?  What is it made of?  What are the different regions?  How were they formed?  Relative ages.

·        Craters.  What do they look like?  Where are they found?  What do they tell us about the age of a planet?

·        How has the Moon evolved?  Where did it come from?  What effect did impacts have on the early Moon?




·        Properties of Mercury.  How big, density, composition.

·        Density: compressed vs. uncompressed density

·        How does Mercury rotate/orbit around the Sun. Why does this make observation difficult?

·        What is the interior structure of Mercury?

·        Mercury’s magnetic field.  What does it say about the interior?

·        Atmosphere of Mercury?

·        Describe some of the features of Mercury’s surface.  Craters, scarps, composition.

·        Similarities/differences between Mercury and the Moon, Mercury and Earth  in internal structure, surface, atmosphere, etc.

·        Understand what is meant by isostasy and isostatic compensation.

·        How does the structure of a planet affect its shape?  (bulge, oblate spheroid)




·        Properties of Earth.  How big, density, composition of surface and atmosphere

·        What are some similarities and differences between the Earth and other terrestrial planets?

·        What is the significance of the tilt of Earth’s axis?  When do the seasons occur?  Why do they occur?

·        What is the shape of the Earth?  What causes the bulge?

·        How have changes in the Earth’s orbit affected Earth’s past climate?

·        Describe the Earth’s interior structure

·        Seismology.  What are the different types of seismic waves?

·        Understand plate tectonics.  What is it?  What does the magnetic striping near the mid-ocean ridges tell us about how the plates move?




·        Properties of Venus.  How big, density, composition of surface and atmosphere

·        Observations of Venus – phases, brightness, lack of markings.

·        Similarities/differences between Venus and Earth

·        Composition and structure of the atmosphere

·        What is the greenhouse effect?  What is the runaway greenhouse effect?

·        What is the geology of the venusian surface?  (highlands, plains, tectonic features, surface age, special features).  You do not need to know the proper names of individual features.

·        Does Venus have plate tectonics? Is it geologically active?

·        Is there a lot of water on Venus?




10 Equations You Should Be Familiar With


Newton’s Law of Gravitation:    F = G M m


(here F is the force, G is the universal gravitational constant, M and m are  two masses and r is the distance between them).


Centrifugal Force:    F = m v2


(here F is the force, m is the mass, v is the (circular) speed and r is the distance to the center of the circle).


Set these two equations equal to each other and you can get:


Kepler’s Law of Orbits:  P2 a  r3

(here P is the period, r is the radius of the orbit, and a means “proportional to”).


Einstein’s Theory of Relativity:  E = m c2

(here E is the energy released by a mass m; c is the speed of light, 3x108 m/s).


Wavelength-frequency relationship: c = f  l

(here c is the speed of light, l is the wavelength of the light and f is its frequency).


Wien’s Law:  lmax T = constant

(here lmax  is the wavelength at which maximum power is emitted, and T is the temperature (in Kelvins) of the black body which is doing the emitting).


Density: r = m


(here r is density, m is mass, and V is volume).


Pressure:  p = r g h

(here p is the pressure caused by a fluid of density r and thickness h; g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s2 for Earth)).


Potential energy: E = m g h

(here E is the energy, m is the mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity and h is the starting height of the object).


Kinetic energy: E =  m v2


(here E is the energy, m is the mass, v is the speed of the object).



Terms You Should Know


similar triangles                                 astronomical unit                                eclipse (lunar/solar)

transit                                                 nebula                                                 planetesimal

supernova                                           plasma                                                photon

spectroscopy                                      fusion                                                  convection

photosphere                                        chromosphere                                     corona

solar wind                                           plasma                                                solar flare

radiation                                             blackbody                                           synodic and sidereal

velocity                                               maria                                                   lunar highlands

core                                                     regolith                                               magma ocean

phase-locking                                     parent/daughter element                   crater

eccentricity                                         kinetic/potential energy                     scarps

perihelion                                            aphelion                                              isostasy

compressed density                           uncompressed density                       differentiation

centrifugal force                                 oblate spheroid                                   greenhouse effect

prograde/retrograde                          equinox                                               solstice

plate tectonics                                    mantle                                                 lithosphere/asthenosphere

crust                                                    basalt                                                  P-waves/S-waves

subduction                                          isotope                                                half-life
