1D Hybrid Results


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Simulation results using mirror particles to set initial net current on grid ~ 0.
Run uses:

The particles L and L+1 were initialized as mirror particles in velocity and their posititions mirror with respect to xmax/2: x(L+1) = xmax - x(L)

When the currents are initially collected on the grid, there is ~zero net current and any local currents on the left side of the simulation box directly oppose those on the right; so the forward and backward travelling waves grow similarly.

Figure 1 shows the time history of the negative, positive helicity modes and the total wave energy at the early stages of the run. The positive and negative helicity mode energies are the same over time and only at much later times (figure 2) do they start to differ (see the black dots below the red line after Omega_i*t = 700). The velocity space plots of the ions (figures 3-5) show that they are scattering symmetrically along x. Figures 6 and 7 show that the predicted and simulated w,k of the modes are in agreement. Adding a relative drift between the two species yields the results in figures 8-10 (v_drift = 0.01 vA and 0.1 vA).

dB field energy run to Omega_i*t = 80
Fig 1

dB field energy run to Omega_i*t = 800
Fig 2

Velocity Space
Fig 3

Velocity Space
Fig 4

Velocity Space
Fig 5

Dispersion Solutions
Fig 6

Simulated w,k (Omega_i*t = 0 - 50)
Fig 7

Energy of pos and neg helicity modes, v_drift = 0.01vA
Fig 8

Simulated w,k v_drift = 0.01vA (Omega_i*t = 0 - 50)
Fig 9

Energy of pos and neg helicity modes, v_drift = 0.1vA
Fig 10

Simulated w,k v_drift = 0.1vA (Omega_i*t = 0 - 50)
Fig 11

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