results: 2/22/2006 initial current collected on grid ~ 0
results: 1/31/2006 change random seed
results: 1/17/2006 allow only pos or neg helicity modes to grow
results: 11/16/2005 asymmetry
results: 3/10/2005 (sulfur test case)
results: 3/9/2005 (test Gary and Schriver 1988 dispersion solutions)
results: 1/31/2005b (perpendicular pickup addendum)
results: 1/31/2005 (perpendicular pickup)
results: 10/14/2004 (ring-beam/background run w/injection)
results: 10/13/2004 (ring-beam/background run)
results: 8/31/2004 (first comet ion studies)
results: 6/29/2004 (ring beam particle initialization in INIT)
results: 6/28/2004 (particle injection)
results: 6/1/2004 (changing geometry)
geometries (posted 8/20/2003)