1D Hybrid Results


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Here is the rest of the proton ring beam and maxwellian proton background for the case of particle injection of the ring beam:

values in input.h:
ntimes= 400 dtwci= 0.1 nx=256 xmax=256 wpiwci=10000. nsp = 2 nspec(1)=5120 nspec(2)= 10240 vbspec(1)=-0.15 vbspec(2)=9.85 dnspec(1)=1.0 dnspec(2)=0.02 btspec(1)=1.0 btspec(2)=1.0 anspec(1)=1. anspec(2)=1. wspec(1)=1.0D0 wspec(2)=1.0D0 add_no(1) = 0. add_no(2) = 2.0e-5*nspec(1)*1200 bete=1. resis=0. theta=0. iemod=0

The add_no(k) parameter species the loading rate. So no ions are added for the background species, but for the beam, the loading rate given is equivalent to ~12 ions/timestep or about 5000 ions over the course of the run. 20 ions/cell are loaded in the beam and background at t=0, so the beam density is almost doubled at the end of the run.

Here are the results:
1) Phase Space
(red = background fixed, black = beam injected)

2a) Velocity Space

2b) Velocity Space

3a) By

3b) Bz

3c) Phi

4) B field energy

5) Fourier modes

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