1D Hybrid Results


Here, the geometry was changed from the original code such that the beam/background flowed along the z axis (instead of x) and the background B0 stays stays along x-axis (theta = 0). Changes were made only in the INIT subroutine, in the beam/background x and z velocities.

(1) The velocity space of the ions (see last plot) shows a ring beam? or a partial ring beam? The beam particles are given no temperature anisotropy in the beginning and they were initialized as isotropic maxwellian. So, merely being in the presence of a perpendicular pickup geometry cause them to form a ring beam in space? and then return to a warmer thermal distribution?
(2) For a true ring beam would I need to load the particles in the beam with a ring-beam distribution? (but leave the background as maxwellian)
(3) This takes place in the reference frame of the moving electron fluid. Is it easily altered to take place in the drift frame of the ions? I do not see how you set the parameters in input.h to maintain zero current if you're in the rest frame of the drifting background (if you are not specifying electron parameters)?

file input.h :
ntimes=800 dtwci=0.05 nx=128 xmax=256 nwrtf=200 wpiwci=10000. nsp=2 nspec(1)=5120 nspec(2)=5120 vbspec(1)=9.85 vbspec(2)=-0.15 dnspec(1)=0.015 dnspec(2)=0.985 btspec(1)=1. btspec(2)=1. anspec(1)=1. anspec(2)=1. wspec(1)=1.0D0 wspec(2)=1.0D0 bete=1. resis=0. theta=0.

Phase Space (red = beam, black = core)




Density (beam+core)

Velocity Space (beam only) when run past 800 timesteps, all become thermalized

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