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Results of testing conditions in "The electromagnetic ion cyclotron anisotropy instability"
by SP Gary and D Schriver, 1987. Hybrid run results using their dispersion solutions for stable and
unstable anisotropic bimaxwellian beam/core distributions are shown below. The dispersion
solutions predicted max growth at k x B = 0.
UNSTABLE : Tperp_beam/Tpar_beam = 5.0, Tpar_beam/Tpar_core = 10.0
Fig 1
STABLE : Tperp_beam/Tpar_beam = 5.0, Tpar_beam/Tpar_core = 1.0
Fig 2
UNSTABLE : Tperp_beam/Tpar_beam = 10.0, Tpar_beam/Tpar_core = 1.0
Fig 3
Gary and Schriver bimaxwellian beam:
Fig 4
Ring beam:
Fig 5
Phase Space (red = background fixed, black = beam injected) Fig 6
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Velocity Space
Fig 7
Velocity Space
Fig 8
Velocity Space
Fig 9
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Fig 10
Fig 11
Fig 12
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B field energy
Fig 13
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Fourier modes
Fig 14
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