Our group uses the Arecibo Observatory and the Goldstone Solar System Radar to obtain high-precision measurements of asteroid shapes, spins, masses, densities, and trajectories. There are about 10 scientists worldwide who routinely perform radar observations of asteroids; and we are happy to count 4 of them as past and present members of our group. Margot, Taylor, Busch, and Naidu have authored or co-authored about 50 refereed publications on the subject of radar observations of asteroids and comets, and these publications have accumulated over 800 citations.

Our efforts include detailed physical characterization of NEAs, orbit computations for binaries and triples, astrometric measurements, Yarkovsky drift determinations, training of the next generation of radar observers, development of data-taking hardware and software, development of data-reduction software, improvements to shape modeling software, and development of a publicly-available database for archival of asteroid radar results http://radarastronomy.org.

Some notable results are described below:

Asteroid 2000 DP107 2000 DP107: First images of a binary near-Earth asteroid

Our 2002 paper reported a high fraction (16%) of binary near-Earth asteroids and described the formation of these binaries by a spin-up mechanism. The binary is shown here with the Golden Gate for scale.

Asteroid YORP (54509) YORP: First detection of the YORP effect

First observational evidence that the spin rate of asteroids can change due to sunlight. The so-called YORP effect is now recognized as the spin-up mechanism that produces binaries.

Asteroid 1999 KW4 1999 KW4: A very close look at a binary asteroid

One of the best descriptions of a binary system due to an exquisite data set, and a fun collaboration with colleague and friend Steve Ostro (1946-2008).

Asteroid 2000 ET70 2000 ET70: a potentially hazardous asteroid with prominent ridges and concavities

This large near-Earth asteroid made a close approach to Earth in February 2012, and we had a great view.

Orbit of NEA 2000 BD19 Asteroids in Icarus-like orbits: Probing Yarkovsky drift, solar oblateness, and GR

Near-Earth asteroids that have trajectories strongly affected by the light of the Sun, the shape of the Sun, and general relativistic effects.

Asteroid Hermes Hermes: An exceptional binary asteroid

The only known near-Earth asteroid with nearly equal-size components. One component spans about 30 degrees on the sky as seen from the other component.