*** Biography *** BORN:
• March 2, 1939; at New York, New York, USA; Male
• Ph.D. in Engineering (Aeronautical Sciences), University of California, Berkeley (1964)
• Master of Aeronautical Engineering, Cornell University (1961) • B.S. in Engineering Physics and M.S. in Aeronautical Engineering, Cornell University (1961)
POSITIONS HELD: • Professor, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles (1974 present) • Associate Professor, Department of Geophysics and Space Physics, University of California, Los Angeles (1970-1974) • Assistant Professor, Department of Geophysics and Space Physics, University of California, Los Angeles (1966-1970) • National Academy of Sciences National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England (1965 1966) • Member of Technical Staff, Bell Telephone Research Lab., Whippany, New Jersey (1965) • Head, Advanced Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Department, Instructor in Nuclear Reactor Physics, U.S. Naval Nuclear Power School, Mare Island, California (1961 1965)
RESEARCH INTERESTS: • Physics of the Earth and Planets, Dynamics of Planetary Interiors and Atmosphere, Evolution of the Earth and Planets, Mantle Convection, Magnetic Fields of the Earth and Planets, Planetary Dynamos and the Geodynamo.
MAJOR SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS: • Goldreich-Schubert instability of a rapidly rotating solar interior; theoretical analysis and interpretation of lunar magnetic data for the Moon’s magnetic field and electrical conductivity; application of the moving flame effect to the 4-day retrograde rotation of the Venus atmosphere; explained how solid-solid phase transitions influence mantle convection; developed models to explain the geodynamics of the Earth; determined models of mantle convection; constructed models for the evolution of the Earth, the terrestrial planets, and outer planet satellites; theoretical analysis and interpretation of data from the Galileo spacecraft for the deep structure and winds in Jupiter’s atmosphere, and for the internal structure and magnetic fields of the Galilean satellites; analyzed Magellan radar and gravity data for Venus and developed models of Venus tectonics; developed a theoretical framework for the interpretation of wave-induced fluctuations in the airglow signals from the upper atmospheres of Earth and Jupiter; developed models of three-dimensional convection in fluid-saturated porous media; showed that both secular cooling and radiogenic heating contribute to the heat loss from the Earth. With colleagues and students, developed the first three-dimensional models of spherical mantle convection. Co-discoverer of metallic cores in Io, Europa, and Ganymede, a dynamo-generated magnetic field in Ganymede, and electromagnetic induction and possible internal liquid water oceans in Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
HONORS, AWARDS, APPOINTMENTS: • Member, National Academy of Sciences (2002) • President-Elect, Planetary Sciences Section, American Geophysical Union (2002) • Harry Hess Medalist, American Geophysical Union (2002) • Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2001) • Chair, Department of Earth and Space Sciences (July 1, 2000 – present) • Fall 1999 American Geophysical Union Special Session, Dynamics of the Atmospheres and Interiors of the Terrestrial Planets: A Celebration of Gerald Schubert on his 60th Birthday • Thomas A. Mutch Lecturer, Brown University (January 27, 2000) • Sackler Scholar, Tel Aviv University, Israel (2002-2003) • Visiting Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, England (1999) • Interim Director, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, UCLA (July 1, 1995–June 30, 1996, June 1-July 30, 1997) • Chairman, Gordon Research Conference on Composition, Structure, and Dynamics of the Earth’s Interior, June 30–July 5, 1996, Plymouth State College, Plymouth New Hampshire • NASA Group Achievement Award to Galileo Probe Atmospheric Structure Instrument Team (1996) • NASA Group Achievement Award to Project Galileo Team (1996) • NASA Group Achievement Award to Magellan Science Group Radar Scientists (1992) • NASA Group Achievement Award to Pioneer Venus Orbiter Science Team (1980) • Visiting Scientist, Rutgers Supercomputer Visiting Faculty Program, The State University of New Jersey, Rutgers (1989) • Visiting Professor, Berman Fellow, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1982 1983) • James B. MacElwane Award of the American Geophysical Union (1975) • Fellow, American Geophysical Union (1975) • Visiting Professor, University of Paris, Orsay (1975) • John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship (1972) • Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship (1969) • Fulbright Travel Grant (1969) • NAS NRC Postdoctoral Fellowship (1965) • Bachelor of Engineering Physics with Distinction (1961)
PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: • American Geophysical Union • American Association for the Advancement of Science • Division of Planetary Sciences, American Astronomical Society
MAJOR COMMITTESS: • National Research Council, Solar System Exploration Survey, Giant Planets Panel (2001-2002) • Chairman, AGU Search Committee for JGR Solid Earth Editor (1999-2000) • Member National Research Council, Space Studies Board, Committee on Planetary and Lunar Exploration (COMPLEX) (July 1, 1995–June 30, 1998) • AGU Search Committee for JGR Solid Earth Editor (1995-1996) • Chairman, AGU Harry Hess Medal Committee (July 1, 1994–June 30, 1996) • Member, NASA Planetary Geology and Geophysics Management Operations Working Group (MOWG) (July 1994–June, 1997) • Member, Lunar and Planetary Geoscience Review Panel (LPGRP)and Geophysics Group Chief (May 1, 1993–April 30, 1996) • Member, NASA Planetary Atmospheres Review Panel (1995,1996) and Dynamics Group Chief (1995) • Chair, AGU Planetology Section Nominating Committee (July 1, 1992–July 1, 1994) • Member, AGU Harry Hess Medal Committee (July 1, 1992–June 30, 1994) • Member, Committee on Planetary and Lunar Exploration (COMPLEX), Space Science Board, National Research Council (1987–1990) • Member, Modelling Panel, National Academy of Sciences Report on "Status and Research Objectives in the Solid Earth Sciences: A Critical Assessment," (1988–1989) • Reporter, International Lithosphere Program U.S.Geodynamics Committee (1985–1988) • Vice Chairman, Task Group on Thermal, Mechanical and Chemical Evolution of the Continental Lithosphere, International Lithosphere Program, Working Group on the Nature and Evolution of the Continental Lithosphere (1985–1988) • Inter Union Commission on the Lithosphere, Working Group 3, Proterozoic Lithospheric Evolution (1981–1985) • Chairman, Pioneer Venus Working Group on Dynamics, Winds, Circulation, Turbulence (1975–1981)
CONFERENCE ORGANIZING COMMITTEES: • Second M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 17-20, 2003 • Structure and Tectonics of Active Convergent Margins, IASPEI Workshop/Summer School 2002, Zahradky Castle, Czech Republic, July 1-6, 2002 • Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics, Rheology, and the Dynamo, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, University of Minnesota, March 18-22, 2002 • Geophysics: The Unknown and the Unknowable, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 6-8, 1997 • Io During the Galileo Era, Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, September 22-24, 1997
EDITORIAL SERVICE: • Editor, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2001-2004) • Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors (2001-2002) • Associate Editor, Icarus, (November, 1991–present) • Member, Editorial Advisory Board, ARI (1996-present) • Editor, U.S. National Report to IUGG 1991–1994 • Associate Editor, Fluid Mechanics Research (1995–present) • Editorial Board of Icarus (1987–1989) • Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research (1982–1986) • Associate Editor, Geophysical Research Letters (1977–1980) • Member, Editorial Committee of Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences (1976–1981) • Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research (1972–78) Board of Associate Editors, Proceedings of the Seventh Lunar Science Conference (1976)
ROLE IN SPACE EXPERIMENTS: • Interdisciplinary Scientist, Galileo, Galileo Europa, and Galileo Millennium Mission • Interdisciplinary Scientist, Co-Investigator Atmospheric Structure Experiment Galileo Probe • Member Gravity Investigation Team, Associate Solid State Imaging Team, Galileo Orbiter and Probe • Member Magellan Radar Investigation Group • Member Magellan Gravity Investigation Group • Interdisciplinary Scientist, Pioneer Venus Multiprobe and Orbiter • Co-Investigator Apollo 16 Lunar Surface Magnetometer • Co-Investigator Apollo 15, 16 Subsatellite Magnetometers